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Welcome to the home of growth, healing, and self-love

  • I know you're aware that something doesn't feel right but you're just not sure what it is

  • I know you've probably thought to yourself that gratitude journals and positive affirmations are cheesy

  • I know deep down inside you believe you are worthy of so much more and you think your external surroundings keep aligning against you

  • I know you feel let down by always being taken advantage of

  • I know you feel like you've wasted so much time

  • I know you crave living a peaceful, joyful life but no matter what you do it just doesn't seem to work

  • I know how you feel when you get excited about doing something new but then just give in to doing nothing

  • I know how it feels like to wish you could have said and done a million things differently  


I'm Mayasa, but you can call me Mischa.I am an author who seeks to share my story to inspire you to fall in love with life and yourself. I got out of an abusive relationship coincidentally right before the quarantine, and after hitting rock bottom, I decided to devote every instance of my time to working on myself. I embarked on a transformational journey of healing that changed my whole perspective on life. I realized I was the only person standing in my way and I refused to keep living a life taking care of everyone but myself. I want to help you find yourself and I want you to live each day feeling like an empowered badass no matter what you're going through.  


owning my truth and accepting myself and every bit of my story is what gave me the inspiration I was looking for

I read all the books, worked with a mentor and therapist, and lived the experiences. now, I've compiled that all for you into one simple mindset change

I learned how to show up for myself without changing my essence or feeling bad for putting myself first for a change








This is not your typical coaching course. This is an experience. I am all about the moments and the progress along the way. There are no rules or a timeline ~ personal growth and development is a lifelong commitment and path. I seek to create a beautiful connection built on vulnerability and trust to be able to tap within and get you started. My goal is to set you up for success on a foundation fueled by positivity, communication, and unconditional self-love. It really is simple. I promise

coming soon
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let's stay connected.

enjoy your affair with life

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